Tuesday, May 10, 2011


E had a lot of cheese as part of his dinner last night. And then the streak ended when he pooped a tiny bit in his diaper sometime between the end of swimming and our arrival at home. This time involved dinner and a stop for free coffee milkshakes at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. It probably wasn't a good idea for me to have caffeine at 7pm when I rarely have caffeine anymore, but that's off topic. Anyway, we got home, I found a tiny poop in his diaper, put him on the potty, he pooped and peed, and then it was bed time.
Jason has his own streak going still (no poops while he is 100% in charge for several days), but I'm having a run of tiny poops on my watch, or our combined watches. This one is probably my fault because I rushed E from nap to swimming with no potty time in between. I'm just glad he didn't go in the pool. He did, however, pee up in the air mid-after-swim-shower. You can't win 'em all.
But back to my point of this post. E had a lot of cheese with his dinner last night and only pooped once today (I am counting this as one poop even though it was kind of two). It was a nice change from five times a day.
Days since last poopy diaper...0
Previous Streak...3
Longest streak (of only pooping on toilet) to date...15 days

Monday, May 2, 2011

Five Poops Today

Well, we had another 15 day streak which ended when Grandma came to visit. But she got the hang of EC'ing pretty quickly and did a great job of taking E to the potty. He returned to pooping numerous (generally 3-5) times a day around the time of her visit, and this is really difficult to keep up with. We've had numerous streaks going, but nothing to surpass 15 days. Usually the streak ends when E poops just a tiny bit in his diaper and then we get the rest on the potty. But he usually seems like he waits for the chance not to go in his diaper.
We started a new streak today. Jason watched E, and he pooped five times on the potty. Five times in one day! He eats a lot of banana too.
Days since last poopy diaper...1
Longest streak (of only pooping on toilet) to date...15 days

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The current streak

I'll get around to writing a bit of background later, but here is where we stand right now. E's last poopy diaper occurred on March 15, and it was a doozy. It happened about half an hour after swim class while we ate dinner at Natural Cafe just down the street. We knew what was going on, but we haven't yet tried to put E on a public toilet. In hindsight, this would have been a good time to start so that I could have avoided getting POOP ON MY HAND while walking down the street back to our car (no diaper changing station in Natural Cafe). Luckily for us, the swim school was still open, and they had wipes and garbage bags. We were nowhere near equipped for this type of situation. It's always good to go out with a bang though, or in this case, more of an explosion...
Days since last poopy diaper...7
Days since last getting someone else's poop on my hand...7
Longest streak (of only pooping on toilet) to date...15 days